I got a new camera! Yay! 

I loved my Canon Rebel XS, but I wanted something with more options and further capabilities. My boyfriend sold me his Canon 60D and I am so happy with it! I cannot wait for sunny weather to get out and photograph everything! The lenses that I use are: 
- Canon 50mm
- Tamron 70-300mm
- Canon 18-135mm
My favourite has to be the 70-300 because I love macro photography. I only just got the 18-135, as it came with the 60D. I'm very excited to use it! I also love my 50mm. It's great for portraits. It really takes a gorgeous shot!

So now that I've got this new camera, I'm even more eager to offer up my services to anyone local! I will gladly do pet portraits, glamour shots, couples photos, weddings, and more! Just email me! ([email protected])

I'm also aiming to get some new items into my Etsy shop tomorrow. I made a whole bunch of felt flowers and brooches! <3 They're so much fun!

But it's bed time now. Have a good night!


I've spent so many of my days committed to artwork. I draw, write, paint, sculpt, and even tattoo. I'm in love with it. It's as simple and as complex as that. There's just something about that finished piece and the way it gives you a sense of accomplishment...

I feel I've come a long way since it all began; that first grasp of a pencil, putting it to paper, and seeing what I could do. I've really improved! (I drew that picture over there <---!)

A key moment in my art career that really gave me a kickstart was way back in Elementary school when a piece of my artwork made it into a local art gallery. Since then, I've had my artwork back in that gallery, displayed in a different gallery in that town, and also in the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. (Yay!!)

I recently began tattooing as well. It's such an amazing, expressive art form! I have tattooed myself (twice), my father, and my sis, with more to come! I adore tattooing! 

I'm also passionate about pretty things. I'm a girl! I'm allowed! Hehe... Peacock feathers, sparkles, purses, clothes, shoes. You know how it is. Well, maybe you do. If you don't... Well, just pretend like you do. =) I love peacock feathers so much that I tattooed a big one on top of my left foot. <3 Anytime I see something with a peacock feather on it, I snatch it up like it's... umm... Like it's on sale for a ridiculously low price (which would just be a bonus!) 

Oh, did I mention that I'm a couponer? Well, I am! I am a proud cheapskate and love getting stuff for cheap or (even better) free. Just the other day I got a big Bobble pitcher (for water) free! Woowee! I love it! I have my own coupon binder and everything! How do I do it? I'll save that for another blog post... =)

Because I'm typing this, I'm getting the feeling that I need to do some writing. It's been a while! I'm also thinking about drawing up a comic series. How does that sound? =D

Anyway, I'll talk to you soon!



    Author? Oh, I like that title. I'm Erika. I hadn't considered myself an author, but sure... Why not? I do like to write! I'm 23. I live in a small town. I LOVE art!


    June 2012

